Your achievement depends on the effort you put into your studies. We encourage and support personal endeavour and commitment so you can get the most from your time with us.

When you join a college programme, you will start a journey towards fulfilling your aspirations.

Our teachers are trained to spot the potential in every student and they work tirelessly to encourage and inspire you so you can shine. We have high expectations of all our students and will support you to achieve the highest grades possible on your Study Programme or Apprenticeship.

You will be set challenging targets and stretched to the best of your ability throughout your time in college.

We will provide you with opportunities to take on extra studies, to develop your knowledge and understanding as broadly as possible, and to gain new skills that will help your future career development. Good employability skills will be key to your future success.

As part of your commitment, we expect you to attend all your lessons punctually, and we always monitor your absences. We find that students who attend their classes 100% of the time achieve higher grades and enjoy better future career prospects.

All students must adhere to the Student Code of Conduct to ensure all members of the College community are kept safe.

We look forward to working with you to achieve your potential.