Our expert team can provide support for additional learning needs including dyslexia, ADHD, and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), as well as wellbeing and mental health issues.
Disabilities, learning difficulties and health issues
Our expert team is on hand if you have disabilities, health problems or learning difficulties and can support you with your studies. We provide support for additional learning needs including dyslexia, ADHD, and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), as well as wellbeing and mental health issues.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Northampton College is committed to delivering the provisions of the Children and Families Act 2014. We embrace our statutory duty to fulfil our obligations under the SEND Code of Practice for those aged up to 25 and are committed to making every effort to meet your support needs.
Specialist support and teaching
Following assessment, you can access a range of specialist support including dyslexia support, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), wellbeing and mental health support and sensory impairment support.
This support includes:
Additional teaching
In class support
Communicators, braille, note takers,
Adapted course materials
Access to assistive technology
Special arrangements to help with exams
Assistance with personal care
Access to information, advice and guidance from our Student Services team
Help with development of literacy, numeracy, language, digital and study skills
Support with English for Speakers of Other Languages.
You can also contact us to discuss any specialist support you may required on 01604 736261, via
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , or in person at the college libraries.Additional information
- Support for Learning leaflet
- pdf Local offer - Booth Lane (200 KB)
- pdf Local offer - Daventry (198 KB)
In addition to providing learning support for students across the college, we also offer specialist courses designed for students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
Transitional Support
We invite all students who declare a learning difficulty or disability to an assessment so we can advise them and enable them to make the right choices about their future education.
Students that have an Education Health and Care Plan will be offered an appointment with a specialist teacher and support staff as appropriate. In addition, the College holds specialist open events to provide all students with special educational needs and disability with an opportunity to discuss support prior to enrolment.
English, maths and language skills
Don’t worry if English is not your first language, or if you have difficulty with maths and English. Our specialist maths and English team is here to help you improve your skills including support with language development.
Acceleration Sessions
Tuition and support will be available on a one-to-one basis or in small groups for students who have not achieved a grade 4 or above in either English or maths. Priority will be given to supporting students with special educational needs and disabilities. This tuition and support activity will be in addition to their full-time study programme.
Students requiring additional intervention in relation to their maths and/or English will be identified via a suite of diagnostic assessments completed early in the academic year. Alternatively, they will be identified by their teachers and referred into the college’s School of Academic and Vocational Support. This school will arrange an additional needs assessment, completed by staff with appropriate expertise, depending on the student’s individual needs.
The College will also provide:
- Additional assessments as described above
- Timetabled small group tuition, designed to support students to develop their Maths and English skills.
- Timetabled additional tuition in small groups, delivered by vocational specialists, designed to help students catch up on the vocational elements of their study programme.
- Additional mentoring to support students inclusive of specific focus for those with Special Educational Needs and/or Disability.
- Additional tuition and support sessions, designed to develop literacy and numeracy skills.
- Additional facilitated sessions, designed to help develop and maintain student’s academic and digital study skills.
- Additional wellbeing and mental health support to help build resilience
- Additional literacy and numeracy support for students with specific learning difficulties.
What is an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP)?
An EHCP can be issued to a child or young person between the ages of 0 and 25 years. It is a legal document that describes a child or young person's special educational, health and social care needs. It explains the extra help that will be given to meet those needs and how that help will support the child or young person to achieve what they want to in their life. The plan is drawn up by the local authority after a specialist needs assessment.
If you have an EHC plan the College’s specialist team will work with you towards the outcomes in the plan and review your support needs with you whilst you are at college. It is important to remember that you must inform the Local Authority that you intend to study at Northampton College, before you make a course application. If you would like to apply for an EHC plan you will need to talk to your current school, college or specialist setting.
More information on EHC plans is available through the Northamptonshire Councils website.
Alternatively, if you have an EHC plan and are interested in studying a Supported Learning course you can call 01604 736544, or 01604 736261
Sign language support
Students with hearing support needs are given equal access to college life and the opportunity to achieve their full potential, thanks to our Additional Learning Support team.
You will have the chance to meet with a Deaf and hearing support practitioner when you apply for a course to discuss the level of support you will need. Once you have started, our practitioner will continually monitor your needs and make any changes if necessary.
Our dedicated communication support workers assist our Deaf students and students with hearing support needs in all aspects of college life by:
Providing sign language translation in either British Sign Language (BSL) or Signed Supported English (SSE) for students in lessons
Taking notes for students
Offering extra support for students outside of lessons (e.g. help with assignments, modifying course materials)
Sign language support during enrichment activities.
Our communication support workers are qualified in BSL to at least Level 3 above.