All three of our campuses are easily accessible by public transport. We work hard to find the best travel deals for our students.

Our expert team can provide support for additional learning needs including dyslexia, ADHD, and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), as well as wellbeing and mental health issues.

The safeguarding of young people and vulnerable adults is of paramount importance to us at Northampton College.

During your time at Northampton College you will have access to a range of careers guidance and activities that are delivered through our published and extensive Careers Programme.

We can help with advice on the cost of coming to college including course fees, travel costs, any equipment you may need to buy, uniform and childcare if you need it.

Our team of Autism Support Specialists are available to support students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and identify any barriers to achievement.

FE Colleges do not just focus on education and employment outcomes, they provide a ‘safe haven’ for students in care who, during this time, are experiencing many changes in their lives.

Alongside its inviting environment and friendly staff, the Digital and Academic Resources Centre also offers an extensive range of Information and Study Skills provision to students to support them in their studies at Northampton College and beyond.

Everyone needs a little support from time to time - we can help you find ways to overcome any barriers so you can do your best in college.