Parents and carers can have a huge influence on a young person’s decision when it comes to choosing a course or career pathway, and at Northampton College, we value the input of our students’ parents and carers when planning their next steps.
Keeping in touch with you
Each term, we email a careers newsletter to parents and carers, which aims to keep you informed about our careers programme and provide you with a range of resources and key information to help when discussing future plans with your child.
Our Careers Vision Statement
“To ensure all our students are able to make confident, aspirational, and informed career decisions; develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to maximise their potential; and achieve success in the world of work.”
For more detailed information on our Careers provision, please refer to the Careers Policy, Programme Statement, Strategy and Calendar which can all be accessed via our Document Hub.
Futures Careers Service
Our Futures careers team are experienced, qualified and impartial guidance advisers who support students to explore the range of opportunities available to them including applying to university, apprenticeships and job searching. Students and their parents and carers can contact the Futures team for advice by emailing
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .Students at Booth Lane site can drop into the Futures room (E1.01 next to the Lookout) for advice and guidance. Students at Lower Mounts and Daventry sites can arrange an appointment by emailing the Futures team.
Our Careers Programme, Careers Strategy and Careers Calendar are available to view on our Document Hub, and we welcome feedback from parents and carers on how we can improve these. If you would like to give feedback or are willing to be involved in and support our careers programme please contact our Futures Team Leader -
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . -
Part-time Job Opportunities
The Futures team advertise part time job opportunities to students on their online jobs board accessible via the student intranet under the Futures tab.
Local Labour Market Information
Northampton College uses Labour Market Information to inform its curriculum planning and careers provision. This means that we work to meet the needs of local employers and to prepare our students for the job opportunities of the future.
- Useful Links and Resources