russian tutors visit nc

Tutors from a college in Russia flew into the UK to visit Northampton College and see first-hand how students are benefiting from vocational courses.

The group of 15 Russian tutors, from the Korolev College for Building and Construction near Moscow, travelled more than 2,000 miles to find out more about the UK college system and to see how Northampton College works with the construction sector to provide work-related courses, qualifications and apprenticeships.

Sasha Lipscombe, Managing Director of Global Vocational Skills, the company which organised the UK visit, said: The aim of the trip was to provide visiting teaching staff with a better understanding of vocational training and education within the UK construction sector in the UK and our visit to Northampton really was a highlight.

We hope this will be one of many visits to Northampton, as we look to forge and build strong relationships with educational establishments overseas.

Patrick Leavey, Deputy Principal at Northampton College, added: We were delighted to host this visit and to show tutors from Russia how we work with local businesses, the importance of our construction courses and how we put technology and digital strategy at the forefront of our teaching.

Construction is an increasingly important sector for the UK and Northampton College is now recruiting and seeking experts from the construction engineering sector to join its teaching team. The College is holding two recruitment fairs in the New Year, both from 4pm to 7.30pm.

These are on Thursday, 4 January and Wednesday, 17 January at our Booth Lane Campus. Book your place here.