ACE is a transitional year designed to develop your social skills and work skills, preparing you for independent living and it covers a broad range of subjects. You will study English, Mathematics and ICT, work-related skills and Independent Living Skills.
You will be taught in small groups and you will be set targets to achieve. Both your targets and your progress will be monitored regularly in tutorial sessions. We will assess your individual needs at your initial interview, and if necessary, will arrange additional support to help you achieve your learning goals.
What will I study?
Whilst this is not a unit-based qualification, your learning and progress will be measured against individual personal targets at regular points in the year.
Who is this course for?
This is a full-time transition course designed for students who need a highly-supportive environment in which to learn.
How is the course assessed?
Assessment is continuous and progress is recorded in the student's Individual Learning Plan. You will also be encouraged to work with others, and improve your own learning and performance.
There are tests and external assessments for the Entry Level qualification.
Your Study Programme
We will assess your individual needs at your initial interview, and if necessary, will arrange additional support to help you achieve your learning goals.
General info
There are also full day visits to various locations, at least two times a year:
- Day trips: £20.00 - £40.00 Some bursary funding may be available. Contact our Student Services team on 01604 734066 for more information.
Progression and Career Opportunities
On successful completion of the course you may be able to progress to either Entry Level 1, 2 or 3 Supported Learning courses, or on to The Foundation Studies Programme, work-based training or employment.
Entry Requirements for new students
You must already be at Level P5 or above before joining. You must be willing to take part in new learning opportunities and to improve your literacy, numeracy and social skills. You should also be committed to furthering your education.
Admissions Process
We recommend that you attend one of our exciting open events so that you can look around the department, the college and meet the tutors. You are welcome to do this before or after you apply. These events have proved very successful in ensuring students and their families see the best of what the college has to offer such as our inspirational teaching areas, teachers, library facilities and places to eat.
Once you have applied our experienced Enrolment Team will consider your application carefully and will let you know, by email, if the College would like to make you a conditional offer based on you meeting the specified entry requirements. If your predicted grades or career aims suggest that an alternative subject area or course level would be more appropriate for you at this stage, we will contact you either by telephone, email or text. If you have told us that you have some additional support needs we will contact you to find out more so that we can help you.