If you are aged 16-18 then the majority of our courses are free for you to study, although you may have to buy course equipment such as a uniform or books.

If you are 19+ then there may be a fee for your course. People in receipt of certain state benefits may be entitled to a reduction in fees. Check out the course fees section of our website for more information.

Student bursary

  • How do I apply for the bursary, and when do applications open?

    We can help with advice on the cost of coming to college including travel costs, any equipment you may need to buy, uniform and childcare if you need it.

    To qualify for help with the cost of coming to college, you will need to provide evidence of your circumstances and your eligibility for help will depend on your age, your household income and your immigration status. Exceptional circumstances may also apply. View more information on the financial support section of our website where you can read up to date information from August each year and download the bursary form.

    The bursary application is online and will be available on the college website from Monday, 11 August 2025.  If you have been offered a place on a course, you will also receive an email with a link to the application.

  • How soon will I hear back about my bursary application?

    Please apply as soon as possible as it can take up to four weeks to process your application. Please make sure that you are able to cover the cost of any travel until your bursary has been assessed.

  • Which documents should I send with my bursary application, and what can I prepare ahead of mid-August?

    The application will instruct you on what evidence you need to provide for your application.  This is most likely to be the last three months Universal Credit statements for your household and residency documents (if you are not a UK National).  Please look carefully at the images provided on the application form to make sure the correct documentation is provided.  The most common cause for delay is incomplete evidence.

  • What will the bursary pay for?

    Bursary can assist with costs associated with coming to college.  This may be travel, kit, uniform, trips or childcare.  To be eligible for travel assistance, you must live more than three miles from your site of study (walking distance calculated using Google Maps)

  • What is the family income limit to be able to claim bursary?

    Your household income needs to be less than £26,000 per year to be eligible, however if there are more than three children in the household or exceptional circumstances, household incomes of up to £30,000 will be considered.

    Household income is calculated using ‘Take Home Pay’ figures and does not include Child Benefit or Personal Independent Payments.

  • Who should complete the application - student or parent?

    The student should complete the application as the funding relates to their college experience. If the student has a learning need then the parent/guardian can complete the application on their behalf.  Any notification of award will be sent to the email address provided on the student’s course application.

  • If awarded, how do I receive my kit?

    The Bursary team will order your kit on your behalf so please do not purchase anything beforehand as we are unable to reimburse you.  Once it has been delivered, you will be notified by email of when you can collect it from Student Services at the campus you are studying at. You will not be disadvantaged if you do not have your kit at the start of your course.

  • Will I need kit for my first day?

    You will not need your kit on the first day.  Kits purchased through the Bursary will be available to you as soon as possible and tutors are aware of the process.

  • Will bursary cover the cost of trips?

    Bursary can assist with the cost of course related trips that are taking place in England.  We are unable to assist with enrichment trips or course trips taking place outside of England.

Free School Meals

  • How do I claim Free School Meals?

    Your application will be assessed for Free School Meals on submission. To be eligible, you must be aged 16-18 and your household needs to be in receipt of one of the eligible benefits.  If you received Free School Meals at your previous school, please send evidence of this along with your household income.

  • If awarded, how do I receive my free meals?

    Your Free School Meals award will be available via your Student ID badge.  This will give you a daily amount to spend on a meal deal within the college catering facilities. You are only eligible for a meal on the days that you have timetabled lessons.

Transport and bus passes

  • Can I get a free bus pass?

    If you are eligible for bursary support and live more than three miles from your site of study,  you may be awarded a bus pass. The home to college distance is calculated using Google maps (walking distance). Bus passes are only available for Stagecoach bus services.

  • If awarded, how do I receive my bus pass?

    Once your application has been assessed you will receive an award email detailing what we are able to assist you with.  Once you have enrolled and attended on your first day, you will receive your bus pass code and instructions on how to use it.  All bus passes provided through the bursary scheme are for Stagecoach services only.

    We can only award bus passes to students under 19.  If you are over 19, you can apply for assistance with travel costs which is paid directly to you in arrears.

    Once purchased, a digital code will be provided that allows you to order:

    Visit our Travel and Transport page for more information about bus passes.

Funding for adult learners