Former Northampton College student Kathryn Holmes returned to Booth Lane to give catering students an exclusive insight into what goes on during a food safety inspection.

kathryn holmesNow working as a trainee environmental health officer for Birmingham City Council during a sandwich year' as part of a degree at the University of Wolverhampton, Kathryn returned to her roots to talk to the current students about the importance of food hygiene and explaining the process of inspectors' visits.

She said: It was good to be back. It felt strange to be walking back up to the main entrance again after two years away but I really enjoyed it. The students were great and really got involved, asking lots of questions and taking a real interest.

While I enjoyed learning kitchen skills during my college course I didn't want to work in kitchens so I've taken a different route. I love my job now and I'm keen to explain to the students what they can expect to happen when inspectors visit their premises in the future.

Chefs are always looking for shortcuts and ways of becoming more efficient but it's vital they don't compromise on safety, particularly when public health is at stake.