truck east

Each year, TruckEast continues to invest in its apprentices and build the workforce of the future. This year, they've taken it one step further with their recent donation to Northampton College - an R450 Topline Scania.

Committed to creating opportunities in the industry, the drive behind the donation is to open new doors for existing students and encourage more interest in HGV apprenticeships.

Getting the younger generation interested in our industry today is a challenge across all business areas, so we believe opportunities like this are crucial to attracting new talent, comments Regional Aftersales Director, Graham Broughton. We are proud to present the college and students with a modern - day vehicle to advance their skills and see this donation as a n investment into not only the future of the college but of our own business as well . With the addition of this truck, Northampton College will continue to develop apprentices and therefore increase the number of qualified technicians with in the region, he continues.

Donated to the Motor Vehicle and Logistics workshop, the Scania R - Cab will become part of the core equipment used within the IMI Level 2 and 3 motor vehicle maintenance and repair apprenticeship. The truck, given a new lease of life, will be used every week as a training vehicle in various formats including diagnostics and general routine maintenance. Currently enrolled on the course are 26 HGV apprentices across the three years, who will get hands - on experience on a fully functional truck, similar to those they will experience in their day - to - day work environments.

Technology within the industry is accelerating at a rapid speed and it's important that the apprentices continue to get their hands on modern equipment with the up - to date systems they'll experience back in their own workshops , states Mr Broughton.

Principal of Northampton College, Pat Brennan-Barrett, said: The College plays an important part in driving the economy and a vital role in engineering and logistics. To have an employer such as TruckEast to generously donate a truck, gives us the kudos in the further education sector to raise aspirations for all our students in enabling their careers. We are exceedingly grateful to all the staff at TruckEast and want to thank them for this donation to the Motor Vehicle and Logistics workshops."

TruckEast currently have six first year apprentice technicians enrolled at Northampton College, where the students attend once every six weeks for the theory element of their apprenticeship. As additional support to their development they are each assigned a mentor back at their respective workshops who act as a guide throughout the programme. The combination of both practical and theoretical training that the apprentices receive is a crucial part of their journey; one which allows them to make the most out of their potential ' both professionally and personally.

With their own apprentices enrolled on the programme, TruckEast are going to continue to work closely with Northampton College by offering opportunities to young people in the region and building the future, together.