Employing an apprentice is an opportunity to invest in your workforce and grow your business ' with employers in Northampton urged to reconsider their recruitment policy.

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 Businesses across the county attended a workshop staged by Northampton College to help explain the new Apprenticeship Levy, which comes into force next week.

Employers with an annual pay bill of more than £3million will be required to pay a levy of 0.5 per cent that will fund apprenticeships.

The aim of the levy is to increase the investment in training by UK employers through apprenticeships, making it a long-term solution to support growth and commitment from businesses.

James Whybrow, assistant principal of Northampton College, said: Getting apprentices involved in your company can revolutionise the business. It gives you the opportunity to shape your workforce for the future and really ingrain people in your company's culture.

By investing in people and giving them the chance to progress through the ranks you are encouraging loyalty and promoting innovation.

The new Apprenticeship Levy is there to benefit companies both large and small, it gives employers the chance to create new jobs and enjoy the long-term benefits of an engaged and enthusiastic workforce.